Nasdaq Stockholm’s New Rules to Boost US-Listed Companies’ Access to Europe

Nasdaq Stockholm Streamlines US-Europe Dual Listing

Nasdaq has announced an update to the Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market rulebook, effective from January 1, 2025. This update aims to streamline the listing review process for companies seeking dual listings on Nasdaq Stockholm and U.S. exchanges, such as the Nasdaq Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

As the first of several listing simplification initiatives, Nasdaq Europe is focused on driving capital markets integration and leading the development of EU capital markets and listing environment.

Currently, the dual listing process is largely conducted independently in the US and Sweden, resulting in the duplication of time and resource-intensive tasks. Under the new model, companies approved to list in the US will still be reviewed through the Nasdaq Stockholm listing process but will no longer require a separate review by a listing auditor when applying for a dual listing on Nasdaq Stockholm. This task, associated with costs and efforts, is redundant for a company that has already been validated according to standards that are equivalent or similar.

Adam Kostyál, President of Nasdaq Stockholm, stated, “Simplifying the process for European companies to dual list in the US and Europe represents a significant milestone in our ability to strengthen the competitiveness of Europe’s markets and economies, and further enhance Europe’s long-term economic growth – two key objectives underpinning the Capital Market Union’s policy platform. The new rule removes friction for companies to attract both European and U.S. investors, benefiting not just our European companies but also providing retail investors with better access to a wider range of investment opportunities.”

Roland Chai, President of Nasdaq European Markets, added: “Reducing obstacles in the listing processes for issuers to access European markets is key to increasing European competitiveness and we are determined to ensure issuers have maximum access to European investors. Nasdaq has been continuously implementing a program of simplification across Nasdaq’s European exchanges, and further market access efficiencies will be rolled out across Nasdaq’s six EU markets. With top rankings in leading tech sectors like medtech, biotech, and renewable energy, as well as delivering annual returns of over eight percent on average over the period 1966-2023, the highest globally, Nasdaq’s Europe’s leadership demonstrates the transformative power of well-executed capital markets integration in the EU.”

About Asra Mairaj 215 Articles
Asra Mairaj is currently an intern at Panasiabiz. She stands ready to take the first step into her college life and start working for her aspiring career to become a famous and profound journalist. Asra has been previously associated with Sapne NGO and Journey App as a content writer. She tends to bring that experience and overwhelming dedication to make the idea of a knowledge centre space a reality here.

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