The upcoming Tamil movie “Soodhu Kavvum” will hit cinemas worldwide on December 13, 2024. The South India movie has received a U/A rating from the Indian censor board, indicating that it is suitable for viewers aged 13 and above.
Censored U/A Rating
The U/A rating by the censor board means that “Soodhu Kavvum” is appropriate for a broader audience, with parental guidance recommended for younger viewers. This certification is part of the board’s efforts to categorize films based on their suitability for different age groups.
The Censor Board certified the GANG UA – 13+ to chase in Cinemas from Dec 13
ICYM #SoodhuKavvum2Trailer đ #SoodhuKavvum2FromDec13
— Kollywood Talks đ (@kollywoodtalks) December 7, 2024
Star-Studded Cast and Crew
“Soodhu Kavvum” is directed by S.J. Arjun and produced by S. Thangaraj and C.V. Kumar.
The movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Karthik K Thilla, Hari SR, Edwin Louis Vignawath, Ignatious Aswin, K.K. Surendran, Swetha Thangara, Lavarathan and K. Naren among others
Release Date and Promotions
The movie is set to release worldwide on December 13th, with promotions ramping up as the date approaches. The film is distributed by Shanmuga Cinemas and Thangam Cinemas, ensuring a wide reach across various regions.
Plot and Themes
While the plot details are kept under wraps, the promotional poster hints at a gripping storyline involving crime and suspense. The central character is depicted holding a gun in one hand and prayer beads in the other, suggesting a complex narrative that intertwines elements of faith and violence.
Production and Distribution
“Soodhu Kavvum” is a production of S. Thangaraj and C.V. Kumar, with digital distribution handled by Digitally Star. The film is also associated with Disara and other production houses, ensuring a high-quality cinematic experience.
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