Tamil movie ‘Once Upon A Time In Madras’ will be released on December 13, 2024. Directed by Prasadh Murugan, the film features an impressive cast including Bharath Niwas, Abhirami Gopikumar, Anjali P Nair, and Pavithra Lakshmi.
The plot of ‘Once Upon A Time In Madras’ revolves around a series of interconnected events triggered by the discovery of a gun near Chennai’s Koovam River.
The story follows four main characters: Madhi (Anjali Nair), who suspects her husband and in-laws are plotting against her; Savitri (Abhirami), who struggles to protect her trans daughter from a loan shark; Raja (Bharath), who takes on an assassination job to pay for his wife’s treatment; and Thalaivasal Vijay, a caste-obsessed father opposed to his daughter’s romance. The film explores the consequences of their actions and the ripple effects of the gun’s discovery.
Box Office Prediction
Given the film’s intriguing plot and strong cast, ‘Once Upon A Time In Madras’ is expected to perform well at the box office.
Industry experts predict that the movie could gross significant revenue, potentially becoming one of the top Tamil films of the year. The combination of suspense, drama, and action is likely to attract a wide audience, ensuring a successful run in theatres.
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