Grab the Google Pixel Watch for Only $120 – Limited Stock Available!
If the Google Pixel Watch catches your interest there’s value in buying it. Today, starting your smartwatch journey is a reliable option, especially with this special price. These modern Pixel Watch series updates provide better features. However, this special deal makes the original Pixel Watch too attractive to resist. Visit Woot now to save over 70% when buying this smartwatch instead of spending more on newer models.
You can select from four different Pixel Watch model customizations at this amazing deal. The special offer ends next week so make sure to get your order placed now. Don’t wait to buy your new smartwatch at Woot because these limited-time offers sell out quickly.
According to Cnet, this Pixel Watch promotion presents one of the most attractive offers in the market. The model includes full health monitoring functions including detection of atrial fibrillation and heart rhythm irregularities. An ECG feature helps you feel secure that your heart functions well People who track their fitness. It also pays with contactless digital money and will appreciate the Fitbit and Google Wallet functions on this watch.
Under this Woot deal both the 90-day warranty and brand new Pixel Watch come with full packaging and all necessary accessories. People love smartwatches because they have become fashionable and useful. A smartwatch provides valuable support no matter what level of fitness you seek to achieve. Regularly checking how your workouts affect your body through a Pixel Watch can help you grow your fitness while offering a basic model at $120.
Smartwatch Bands May Contain High Levels of Absorbable ‘Forever Chemicals’
Research shows synthetic rubber in smartwatches and fitness tracker bands contains PFAS that enters the skin during use. Experts at the University of Notre Dame studied 22 bands that people can buy in the US to test these devices at different price levels. Scientists revealed in their report for Environmental Science and Technology that bands costing more than $15 contained the highest PFAS levels of all items they tested.
As reported in People Professor Peaslee shared key findings from our study saying “We found unusually high PFHxA levels up to 1,000 parts per billion which outmatches PFAS found in regular items.” Based on our tests fifteen of twenty-two guitar bands showed high fluorine counts and seven tested positive for PFHxA. Research indicates that up to 60% of PFAS molecules move through your skin when applied topically per Guardian sources. This transfer process occurs faster when you sweat. These smart tracking devices are mainly intended for use during workout activities yet research shows they might pose risks.
Wicks noted in the report that large amounts of PFAS can move directly through your skin surface. Studies by The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences show that PFAS exposure impacts health in multiple ways including raising cancer risks and damaging the immune system.
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