3 Paranormal Games Like ‘Spirit of Coin’ To Play But at Your Own Risk!

'The Closet Game'

If you believe in Paranormal and are easily scared, this challenge might not be for you!
Horror games on android phones and game sets might be fun. But here are some games to give you the real taste of the paranormal.

‘Spirit of Coin’

Spirit of the coin is meant to be played with a partner. To make it more spooky, play it in at midnight with lights off.
To play this game, you would need a piece of paper, a candle, and a silver coin.
Write numbers and letters on the edge of the paper. Write Start and End in the middle and Yes and No at the corners.
Start the game by putting your finger on the coin. Ask for spirits cooperation and ask the question you want to.
If you contact a spirit, the coin will move around the letters but
Don’t forget to thank the spirits and end the game by placing the coin at the same.

‘Charlie Charlie’

“Charlie Charlie” game originated from Spain. It got popular in folks around 2017.
To play the game, you must place two crossing pencils atop a sheet of paper containing the words Yes and No.
Ask permission like
“Excuse me, Charlie” or
“Can we play Charlie”
Play the game if the pencil moves to yes, and don’t forget to end the game by thanking Charlie or the consequences might be severe.

‘The Closet Game’

The closet games us probably the scariest of them all. You would need a matchbox and a closet. You need to stay in that closet for 2 minutes and say
“Show me the light or leave me in darkness.”
Suppose you feel anything or hear something. Don’t look back and light the candle immediately.

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Leave the closet and keep the matchstick lit.
Close the closet for at least a week at night.

The rules of the game go that the spirit you called can linger in the closet. So it’s safe to close the closet at night.


Many games can be played to contact the paranormal.
There have also been cases of these games going wrong and creepy.
I have listed those games which require the least equipment and can be played at home.

Play them at your own risk!

Asra Mairaj
About Asra Mairaj 201 Articles
Asra Mairaj is currently an intern at Panasiabiz. She stands ready to take the first step into her college life and start working for her aspiring career to become a famous and profound journalist. Asra has been previously associated with Sapne NGO and Journey App as a content writer. She tends to bring that experience and overwhelming dedication to make the idea of a knowledge centre space a reality here.