The last chapter ended with a scene where we saw Lucifero finally starts to take the fight seriously. The episode heated up with his blunt warning to Yami that he would not leave anyone alive. Along with Yami, even fans felt the chills down their spine. So, are you excited to know what might happen next?
Possible scenarios between Lucifero and Yami
Fans are sharing a few sketches of the upcoming chapter that shows a few snippets of the further storyline. It shows Lucifero shattering down the magic Armor of Yuno into tiny pieces. The Spade Kingdom Prince might remove himself from the entire showdown between Angel vs. Devil. The difference between the power and strength of these two entities is too drastic. The situation seems so one-sided that only a miracle can make a change.
However, Lucifero is getting serious about the battle as everything is already down to no good.
Asta uncovers union of the Devil
Asta comes to the conclusion that Devil’s union is a way to win against Lucifero. Earlier, he witnessed Nacht scaling up the technique. And, now, he is seeking to pull that off himself with an aim to take the evil power to the next level. Though Lucifero sees Asta as a highly troublesome persona, he still thinks he can easily kill him.
Yuno recoups captain Yami
You’ll see Yami realizing that he can not cut through the body of the Devil any longer. However, Yuno coming in to rescue Yami eradicated the possibility of any threatening injury. Maybe Yuno is aware of the fact that Asta and Yami are the only ones who can kill Lucifero. But, Yuno is not able to follow Asta along with his star magic. Also, he is speculating whether Yami is reliable for fighting as he has only one arm.
This was a brief of what you can expect from the upcoming chapter 325 of “Black Clover”. Let us see how things turn around when Lucifero returns to the battle with his full potential in the coming episode.