Miss Honduras Maria Jose Alvarado shot dead by her sister’s boyfriend

miss honduras María José AlvaradoMiss Honduras Maria Jose Alvarado was critically shot dead by her sister’s jealous boyfriend as she tried to escape from him, reported by the police and the reporters on Wednesday.

Maria Jose Alvarado, aged 19, was supposed to fly to London to participate in the Miss World Beauty Pageant.

She disappeared with her sister Sofia Trinidad about six ago after a party. They were searched exhaustively, but later they were found beside the river lifeless.

The newspaper La Prensa reported that the Police were investigating if Maria was shot to death in the head by Plutarco Ruiz.

The guy was jealous after he saw his girlfriend dancing with some other guy. Plutarco shot Alvardo twice in her back when she tried to run away from the spot.

Leandro Osorio, the Chief detective said that the bodies of the beauty queen along with her 23-year-old sister had been found concealed along the banks of the River Aguagual in the town of Arada that is located in the violence-plagued northwest of Honduras.

Police detained Ruiz and his suspected partner on Tuesday, taking hold of a Colt-45 pistol along with two vehicles.

The security Minister declared that Ruiz is the culprit but he was helped by another person named Aris Maldonado Mejia in this murder case.

Coordinators of the Miss World pageant, that is going to begin on Saturday, has sent their sympathies and declared an honour this weekend in respect of the assassinated sisters.

Everybody was shocked by losing these two sisters who were full of life and enthusiasm.

About Nitish shaw 244 Articles
An aspiring novelist and a random blogger, Nitish is also a porky-mouthed banter specialist when it comes to football (soccer), films, TV Series, History and socio-economic issues. He travels, indulges in music and plays outdoor sports to get his creative juices flowing. “There’s the scarlet thread of murder running through the colorless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.”- Quote this, and you will be his favorite person for at least as long as the two of you can hold up the conversation.