Child Tax Credit Update: Loss Of Advance Child Tax Credit Is Causing Greater Food Insecurity

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After households stopped getting regular advance Child Tax Credit payouts in January 2022, food inadequacy among American families with children worsened.

Food Insecurity Due To Termination Of CTC

To determine if changes in food shortage in American homes with children were related to the termination of monthly CTC payouts in January 2022, Allison Bovell-Ammon from the Boston Medical Center and colleagues examined information from the Household Pulse Survey. According to the researchers, the researchers determined unadjusted household food insecurity among families with children to be 12.7% during the survey wave right before CTC expiration (December 29, 2021, to January 10, 2022). 13.6 percent of families with young children reported food inadequacy in the survey wave after the first missing CTC paycheck (January 15, 2022); this number rose to 16.0 % by late June & early July 2022.

One of the most important initiatives of the Biden presidency was the enhanced Child Tax Credit (CTC), which offered families a paycheck of up to $300 per kid as part of the American Rescue Plan. However, the CTC was not extended because of Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) opposition and insufficient support from Republicans. Data on how much households have suffered without the policy continues to be released over a year after its termination.

Survey On Effects Of Policy Termination

Research on the effects of the policy’s termination on families was issued last week by the Boston University School of Public Health and Boston Medical Center. According to the study, in the six months following the end of the extended CTC, food inadequacy among households with children rose by 25%. According to other research, the CTC is thought to have helped approximately four million children escape poverty. However, the majority fell back into it following the program’s termination.

Democrats frequently consider the Child Tax Credit extension to be a success, and voters typically agree with them. However, the credit did terminate, and individuals are struggling due to the unstable economy. Without an explanation, voters are not sure who the culprit is. It is simple to point the finger at Republicans for not supporting the credit. However, the truth is that Democrats permitted the honor to be destroyed despite having complete control over Washington and the power to approve legislation on a party-line vote, reports KOAM News.

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