Inflation Relief Payment: When are the next stimulus checks arriving?


California sent 2.1 million direct deposits worth a maximum of $1,050 to several families two Fridays ago.

The state of California helps the economic inflation impact with millions of dollars gathered for a single stimulus check payment.

Even when California delivered the first deposits one week ago, several beneficiaries asked why they hadn’t received their stimulus check money.

When is my stimulus check arriving?

According to the FTB, California sent 700,000 inflation relief deposits to all residents who wanted an electronic transaction instead of a check.

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The same information reveals that the FTB must deliver 2.1 million direct deposits. However, if you didn’t receive your inflation relief money, don’t worry; California will send weekly payments.

For November 14, 8 million residents will get $1,050 for eligible families. If you have any doubts about your deposit, you can contact the FTB by calling the following number: 800-542-9332.

When are the delivery dates for my stimulus money?

In the next week, California will reach almost 10 million families to deliver stimulus inflation money.


  • October 28 to November 14: All taxpayers who filed their information through the FTB will receive their deposits through those dates.
  • October 25 to December 10: All eligible residents who want their money in their mailbox will get prepaid debit cards after October. If your money doesn’t arrive through November, the deadline established by the FTB will be in December.
  • January 15: If you applied for the stimulus money, the state approved your application but didn’t qualify for the Golden State Stimulus or direct payment, you will receive your money in January.

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About Elijah Lucas 200 Articles
Elijah has done a Master in Computer Science. Elijah is a passionate blogger, technology lover, plays chess, is innovative, likes to express their views via the blog, and is a music lover. Elijah has been blogging since 2011 and has contributed several excellent articles to the internet.