Pics: Kendall Long gets engaged to longtime boyfriend Mitchell Sage

Kendall Long

Kendall Long recently announced her engagement via an Instagram post. The post featured five snaps, where the first snap featured the couple hugging and kissing each other. One of those snaps featured the couple’s romantic moment while her boyfriend Mitchell Sage went down on his knee and popped the particular question.

Kendall also included a photo of their respective family members holding glasses and celebrating the occasion. The post concluded with a picture where she was flaunting her engagement ring made by Anderson Jewelers. She wrote,

“We’re engaged!!?” she wrote. “It’s always been a HECK YES with you, Mitch ?”

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A post shared by Kendall Long (@itskendalllong)

She also stated, “I love your brain and your family; I just love everything about you!”
“So incredibly over the moon that we get to start our epic adventure together in a new country?￰”

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She also expressed her excitement, “I’ve heard love explained to me by my parents and was scared I would never experience something so wonderful. But with you, love is so much better than I could have ever imagined it to be. I feel so lucky, and I can’t wait to be a Sagely officially?”

According to E! News, Long met Sage through mutual friends in 2021 and started dating in February 2022. Long officially announced it on Instagram after two months of dating by uploading a picture where they hug each other, and the caption read,

“By the way, I’m in love ?” “And just like our relationship, these pictures get progressively weirder?￰”

In a recent interview, Long said she met Sage a day before his birthday. Long also said,

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“We were talking about aliens and space, and I was talking about this moon of Jupiter that could harbor alien life. And he was like, ‘That’s Europa.’ And I was so surprised he knew the name of that moon! I rarely meet someone as interested in certain things like science as I am.”

Kendall Long participated in the 22nd season of The Bachelor and was eliminated in the 9th week.

About Sumi Deka 202 Articles
Sumi Dekha is a popular Indian celebrity news and movie reviews author. She is known for her witty and insightful writing style. She writes extensively about Bollywood celebrities and movies and a a regular contributor to a number of online forums and communities, where she shares her thoughts and insights with other fans of Bollywood. Sumi can be reached at [email protected]