Which American state spent the most on stimulus checks?

Which American state spent the most on stimulus checks?

Citizens across the country received financial aid over the last two years through direct payments.

These “state stimulus checks” helped residents make ends meet at the height of the pandemic and during the historic inflation that followed.

Of all the states, Maine shelled out the most money to residents, with checks going out for between $850 and $1,700.

The payments depended on income and filing status, according to Yahoo Finance.

Guaranteed income program offers two years of payments

The Cook County Promise program will pay 3,250 eligible families $500 a month in no-strings-attached direct income for two years.

The county will choose the recipients from a lottery this month.

Over 184,000 residents applied before the October deadline, according to Cook County officials.

Those selected should have begun receiving the funds in December.

About Elijah Lucas 199 Articles
Elijah has done a Master in Computer Science. Elijah is a passionate blogger, technology lover, plays chess, is innovative, likes to express their views via the blog, and is a music lover. Elijah has been blogging since 2011 and has contributed several excellent articles to the internet.