Prakash Javadekar, the honorable Environment Minister said that the Government will give prime preference for efforts to tackle climate change.
The Minister added that the country has already begun its work on Intended Nationally Determined contributions which forms the basis of climatic changes negotiations in Paris at the end of 2015.
As per the minister, the upcoming annual budget will give preference to environment protection more than anything else.
He added that Narendra Modi Government is quite concerned about the nature, and special preference will be given for efforts which promote clean air, clean water and clean energy.
“Experts have developed various action plans and frameworks for developing India’s INDC. The Government has already started the action.
The INDC’s which are going to be presented will be some of the implemented status of our INDC’s”, said Minister during an event on India’s climate policy and INDC’s organized by CEEW (Council on Energy, Environment and Water).
He also hinted about the Solar energy program which aims to generate 1 lakh MW electricity by the end of 2020. The Government is also very keen about other efforts like wind energy deployment, water conservation, and protecting coastlines and Himalayan ecosystem.
The Cabinet Minister also pointed out the vitality of maintaining a balance between environment protection and sustainable development.
The event also worked and discussed about the strategies and frameworks which may support India’s stand in the climatic change discourse which will be held at Paris by the end of this year.