How to relive job interview anxiety

How to relive job interview anxiety

Most of us get nervous before a job interview. But for some of us, these nerves can develop into full-blown anxiety, causing us to perform badly in the interview or even experience a panic attack. 

Conquering this anxiety could be essential to helping you land a job. Below are just some of the ways in which you can reduce the pre-interview nerves. 

Do your research

Many people get anxious about job interviews because they feel unprepared. By researching the company heavily in advance, you can better prepare yourself for any questions that may be thrown at you. Showing that you are knowledgeable about the company will ultimately show an employer that you’re passionate and dedicated to getting the job. It can make you appear more confident and it can make them more confident that you are right for the job.

You can do your research by visiting their website to get a better idea of their products and services. It’s worth also reading the job ad and potentially planning answers that show certain required skills. You can also research general common job interview questions and plan answers to better prepare yourself. 

Plan ahead

You can reduce stress on the day of the interview by doing as much preparation the day before. This includes planning what you are going to wear, cleaning shoes if necessary, and planning your journey to the interview location. 

If you need to arrange childcare or book a hotel, it could also be worth doing this well in advance.

Think positive

Instead of worrying whether you’ll get the job, walk into the interview with the mindset that you already have the job. The fact that you’ve been considered for an interview shows that you are already a suitable candidate. Treat the interview as an introductory conversation and not as a test, and you could find that it’s a lot less daunting.

Arrive early

Arriving at the interview location early can give you enough time to find out where you need to go. If you’re rushing around at the last minute to find the right building or floor, it could trigger your anxiety. Getting there early can also show the interviewer that you are keen and prepared. 

Try herbal medication

Herbal medication could help to calm your nerves. There are many different types of herbal medicine that you can try. CBD is a popular option that you can buy from sites such as CBDistillery. Herbal teas like chamomile and passionflower can also reduce stress. 

Listen to calming music

Listening to music could help to calm you down too. Obviously, we’re not suggesting you put your earbuds in during the interview. However, before the interview, it could be worth listening to some music that helps to put you in a happy and relaxed mode

Slow your speech

Many of us tend to talk fast when we’re anxious and this can increase the risk of us saying the wrong things or stumbling on our words. Slowing down your speech can give you more time to think of what you need to say and can allow you to be more clear and concise. You’ll also make yourself and the interviewer more relaxed. 

About Asra Mairaj 206 Articles
Asra Mairaj is currently an intern at Panasiabiz. She stands ready to take the first step into her college life and start working for her aspiring career to become a famous and profound journalist. Asra has been previously associated with Sapne NGO and Journey App as a content writer. She tends to bring that experience and overwhelming dedication to make the idea of a knowledge centre space a reality here.