Chapel Hill Shooting: Three Muslim students murdered in North Carolina

Three American Muslim students have been killed at a residential area in University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill on February 10, 2015, the local police said.

The victims have been identified as Deah Shaddy Barakat (23), his wife Yusor Mohammad (21) and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha (19).

Chapel Hill police has confirmed to the local news that 46-year old Craig Stephen Hicks has been arrested and charged in connection with the killing.

Three American Muslim students

The arrested person has said that he understood the charges leveled against him against the shooting down of the victims and appeared in the court.

A report on Al Jazeera said that the shooting reports were received by the Police at around5.15 pm, and the three victims were pronounced dead at the scene.

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Reports also said the father of the deceased girls have said their daughter confirmed about a hateful neighbor, who was also spotted with a gun for more than once.

Barakat was a student at the dentistry school in the university, and his wife was to start in the same department from August. The third girl was a student of the acclaimed North Carolina State University.

Residents told the media that the community was quite silent and peaceful and had many professional and graduate students. Friends also shared images of the three deceased.

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Many reports have also surfaced claiming that the media didn’t not cover the shootings as needed and draw flak from many quarters on the issue. The matter also went viral and trended for some time.

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