Mysterious Cosmic Explosion Puzzles Astronomers

Mysterious Cosmic Explosion Puzzles Astronomers

Astronomers are baffled by the largest cosmic explosion ever seen. The explosion, dubbed AT2021lwx, is more than 10 times brighter than any known supernova and has lasted for more than three years. It is thought to have been caused by a supermassive black hole swallowing a vast cloud of gas.

The explosion was first detected in 2020 by the Zwicky Transient Facility in California. It was initially thought to be a supernova, but further observations revealed that it was something much more unusual. AT2021lwx is located about 8 billion light-years from Earth, making it the most distant cosmic explosion ever seen.

The cause of AT2021lwx is still a mystery. One possibility is that it was caused by a supermassive black hole swallowing a vast cloud of gas. As the gas fell into the black hole, it would have been heated to extremely high temperatures, causing it to emit a huge amount of light.

Another possibility is that AT2021lwx was caused by a collision between two neutron stars. Neutron stars are the collapsed cores of dead stars. When two neutron stars collide, they can release a huge amount of energy, causing a bright explosion.

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Astronomers are still trying to figure out what caused AT2021lwx. However, its discovery has provided them with valuable insights into the most extreme events in the universe.

Here are some additional details about the explosion:

  • It is more than 10 times brighter than any known supernova.
  • It has lasted for more than three years.
  • It is located about 8 billion light-years from Earth.
  • It is thought to have been caused by a supermassive black hole swallowing a vast cloud of gas.
  • Astronomers are still trying to figure out what caused it.

The discovery of AT2021lwx is a major breakthrough in astronomy. It provides valuable insights into the most extreme events in the universe. It is also a reminder of the vastness and mystery of the cosmos.

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About Elijah Lucas 190 Articles
Elijah has done a Master in Computer Science. Elijah is a passionate blogger, technology lover, plays chess, is innovative, likes to express their views via the blog, and is a music lover. Elijah has been blogging since 2011 and has contributed several excellent articles to the internet.

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