New Stimulus Proposal Would Send Monthly $1,200 Checks to Americans

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A new stimulus proposal has been introduced that would send monthly $1,200 checks to Americans for a period of five years. The proposal, called the SUPPORT Act, was introduced by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and would provide cash payments to every adult and child through local governments.

The SUPPORT Act is modeled after successful guaranteed income pilot programs that have been implemented in cities across the country. These programs have shown that guaranteed income can help to reduce poverty, improve financial stability, and boost economic activity.

The SUPPORT Act would cost an estimated $2.5 trillion over five years. However, supporters of the proposal argue that the cost is worth it to help Americans who are struggling financially. They also argue that the program would boost the economy and create jobs.

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The SUPPORT Act is unlikely to pass in its current form, but it could serve as a starting point for negotiations on a new stimulus package. If passed, the SUPPORT Act would provide much-needed relief to millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet.

Here are some additional details about the proposal:

  • The payments would be made through local governments, which would be reimbursed by the federal government.
  • The payments would be $1,200 per month for adults and $600 per month for children.
  • The payments would be made for a period of five years.
  • The cost of the program is estimated to be $2.5 trillion over five years.

The proposal has been met with mixed reactions.

Supporters of the proposal argue that it would provide much-needed relief to millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. They also argue that the program would boost the economy and create jobs.

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Opponents of the proposal argue that it is too expensive and that it would not be effective in helping people who are struggling financially. They also argue that the program would create disincentives to work.

The future of the proposal is uncertain.

It is unlikely to pass in its current form, but it could serve as a starting point for negotiations on a new stimulus package. If passed, the SUPPORT Act would provide much-needed relief to millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet.

About Sumi Deka 202 Articles
Sumi Dekha is a popular Indian celebrity news and movie reviews author. She is known for her witty and insightful writing style. She writes extensively about Bollywood celebrities and movies and a a regular contributor to a number of online forums and communities, where she shares her thoughts and insights with other fans of Bollywood. Sumi can be reached at [email protected]