The ship bound for the Indian port is expected to arrive at 14:35 on 14 February. Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-up mission to the Chandrayaan-2 mission, designed to land on the moon and explore with the lunar rover. In 2019, the Chandrayaan-2 mission failed to land successfully and crashed.
Meanwhile, ISRO scientists learned from the failure of the previous mission and improved the design of the Chandrayaan-3 mission.
ISRO’s goal of going to the moon remains the same. During the Chandrayaan-2 mission, ISRO said the moon is a good testbed for other deep space missions.
So what’s new in the Chandrayaan-3 mission?
Landing site has moved slightly away from its previous location, but is still close to the star with some shadowed craters.
This site was chosen after the Chandrayaan-1 mission discovered water molecules on the moon in 2008.
This puts India on the competitive map.
Permanently shadowed craters are often reservoirs of water, ice, and other valuable minerals. The
Chandrayaan-2 orbiter entered the landing site after taking a clear picture of the moon.
These images were also transferred to the Chandrayaan-3 mission, although it is not an orbiter.
LVM3 M4/Chandrayaan-3 Mission:
Mission Readiness Review is completed.
The board has authorised the launch.
The countdown begins tomorrow.The launch can be viewed LIVE onhttps://t.co/5wOj8aimkHhttps://t.co/zugXQAY0c0https://t.co/u5b07tA9e5
DD National
from 14:00 Hrs. IST…— ISRO (@isro) July 12, 2023
Mission Chandrayaan-3 is more expensive than ever with the heaviest crew.
Middle driver eliminated; The number was reduced from five to four after the previous mission, and higher competition was found to lead to an accident.
In addition, the rider’s legs have been made stronger to withstand higher speeds. The lander has been given more fuel to cover longer distances, while the landing area has been enlarged. Chapter
When will the mission reach the moon?
The whole process should take 42 days.
The landing is scheduled for Lunar Dawn on August 23. The lander and rover have to land at dawn, as they cannot withstand the high temperatures during the moon night.
lunar days and nights are equal to 14 Earth days.
If India controls the soft spot, it will become the fourth country after America, Russia and China. Israel, Japan and the United Arab Emirates failed to land on the moon.
Chandrayaan-3 mission will start from Sriharikota. First training completed. The total budget of the project is Rs 6.15 billion.