As well as offering sports documentaries and Hollywood movies, Netflix has recently expanded its offering to provide a range of mobile-friendly games. Netflix even has its own development studios, while also managing to employ respected people from the games industry in influential positions.
Evidently, the American subscription video-on-demand over-the-top streaming television service means business with its move into the gaming category of entertainment. Netflix bosses clearly saw the rise mobile gaming was illustrating and wanted a piece of the action. After all, gaming on a miniature handheld device is booming right now. People are playing augmented reality masterpieces like Pokemon Go; they’re throwing on a virtual reality headset for a gaming session, sampling a classic puzzle release like Candy Crush, and then ending their session with a slot game like 777 Mega Deluxe, a classic fruit video slot that offers gamers with a fun casino gaming session. Now, Netflix has its own selection of games to enter into this competitive area of gaming.
While Netflix’s foray into the gaming world hasn’t exactly taken the mobile gaming arena by storm yet, there are big plans for the future. Even today, there are some solid games that warrant a session, too. Let’s take a look at some of the best options below.
Bowling Ballers
First and foremost, Bowling Ballers isn’t the most enticing gaming opportunity on Netflix right now, but it represents a fun game to dip in and out of, particularly if you’re partial to the odd game of tenpin bowling. Not only do you have to land as many strikes as possible in this one, but gamers also have to avoid various obstacles, make use of any ramps, and aim to record the highest scores in the game. With coins to collect and levels to complete, Bowling Ballers is a fun game to experience at the moment.
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Into the Dead 2
If the prospect of taking down hordes of zombies is tickling your fancy, then we suggest you go sample Into the Dead 2 immediately. One for fans of shows like The Walking Dead, this all-action on-rails shooter is one of the most engaging releases you can access through Netflix’s new gaming package. With a seemingly never-ending population of zombies to destroy, you’ll be busy in this one. Additionally, the game becomes even more tense should you manage to run out of ammunition or fail to reload before your character comes under attack once again. It’s an epic gaming experience.
Stranger Things 3: The Game
One of the many reasons why Netflix decided to bring out a collection of smartphone games was due to the ability to match certain titles with the hit shows the platform hosts. This is already on show in Stranger Things 3: The Game, a product that pairs beautifully with the hit television series. The game is far from just a gimmick, too. An interactive product, you can play along as your favorite characters from the show and embark on an exploration mission, all while taking out nasties and solving various puzzles that come your way.
Asphalt Xtreme
A popular game on mobile before Netflix managed to get its hands on it, Asphalt Xtreme has been adapted for Netflix to provide one of the best racing experiences you can have on a smartphone device right now. With a large range of licensed vehicles to choose from, tracks to navigate your way around, and a range of enticing game modes to add more variety to this all-action masterpiece, Asphalt Xtreme is a top mobile-friendly title right now.
Also look at Valiant Hearts: Coming Home, and Oxenfree.