Featuring an ensemble of exceptional talents, including Pushkar Jog, Anusha Dandekar, Kushal Badrike, and Shubhangi Gokhale, the film also introduces the bright young star Keya Ingle, who holds tremendous promise.
Helmed by the esteemed director Yogesh Phulphagar, “Baap Manus” masterfully captures the heartwarming and intricate relationship between a father and his daughter, skillfully delving into the depths of fatherhood’s intricacies.
With a stellar lineup that boasts Pushkar Jog, Anusha Dandekar, Kushal Badrike, Shubhangi Gokhale, and the emerging talent Keya Ingle, the film “Baap Manus” stands as a cinematic marvel that delves into the profound emotions of the human experience, particularly celebrating the essence of the father-child relationship. Anand Pandit, a seasoned filmmaker, expressed his elation, stating, “The motion poster’s success has exceeded our expectations. It perfectly encapsulates the profound sentiments that arise from the unique bond between a father and his daughter, as portrayed by Pushkar Jog and the young talent Keya Ingle.
“In commemoration of Father’s Day, the film’s motion poster resonates with viewers as it portrays a resolute father and his innocent daughter, effectively conveying an emotional message that pays tribute to the timeless connection between fathers and their offspring. The launch of the poster serves as a tantalizing preview of the deeply touching narrative that awaits the eager audience