For individuals eligible for VA dental care benefits, the Veterans Affairs (VA) offers comprehensive dental services. However, if you are suffering from a dental condition eligible for VA disability, it is crucial to understand the potential disability ratings associated with it.
The VA’s Schedule of ratings for dental and oral conditions outlines various conditions and their corresponding ratings, ranging from zero to 100 percent. To receive VA benefits, a minimum dental disability rating of 10 percent is required.

Disability rating examples
These disability ratings impact compensation rates, with higher percentages resulting in increased compensation. For instance, a veteran with a 10 percent rating may receive $171.21 monthly, while a veteran with a 100 percent rating can receive $3,737.85.
Veterans with a 10 or 20 percent dental disability rating do not qualify for additional compensation for dependents, but those with a 30 percent or higher rating can receive extra compensation for supporting dependents.
Maximum compensation for a veteran with a 100 percent disability rating, two dependent parents, and one child is $4,211.74 per month. Additional monthly amounts can be added for a spouse receiving Aid and Attendance ($191.14) and each additional child under 18 ($103.55) or over 18 in a qualifying educational program ($334.49).
If eligible for VA dental benefits, individuals can file a claim to cover necessary dental care and receive compensatory benefits. For those ineligible, the VA Dental Insurance Program offers an option to purchase dental insurance at a reduced cost, provided one is enrolled in VA health care or the Civilian Health and Medical Program of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA).
While these policies do not cover all dental procedures and are not free, they offer an alternative for those ineligible for VA dental benefits.
How to apply for VA Dental Benefits?
The application process depends on various factors, such as military service history and current health and living conditions, determining the benefits class assigned by the VA.
Eligible individuals can apply for VA dental care benefits through the online 10-10EZ health care application.