Celebrate Pi Day With These Offers at Pizza Outlets

pi day 2016

Were you aware that March 14 is considered to be an important day for Pizza lovers?

Well, this day is celebrated as ‘Pi-day’ and pizza restaurants too are celebrating this day with various specials and deals.

As you all know Pi is the ratio of the circumference of the circle to the diameter and roughly the number equates to 3.14

Some deals offered by Your Pie

Throughout ten states, the 28 locations of Your Pie would be holding its  8th annual celebration in honor of this day. The outlet would offer $3.14, $3.14 pints and $3.14 pizzas combos to all customers.

This is the biggest time of the year for showcasing why the outlet is so high, says the founder of Your Pie, Drew French.

He further adds that this is their way of thanking the customers for their loyalty and attracting new ones so that the excitement increases.

For raising more awareness, another incentive is being offered by Your Pie, i.e. Your Pie swag giveaways. All customers have to do is snap a picture, share their Pi Day experience with hashtags and win branded T-shirts and Your Pie Yetti Tundra 65 cooler. Even $500 would be awarded to the store that gets maximum participation.

What is Pizza Hut offering?

In partnership with a professor of pure and applied mathematics emeritus at Princeton University, John H. Conway, Pizza Hut would be releasing three math problems on its blog with a challenge to mathematics fans and diners. The winner would receive 3.14 years of free pizza.


About Nitish shaw 244 Articles
An aspiring novelist and a random blogger, Nitish is also a porky-mouthed banter specialist when it comes to football (soccer), films, TV Series, History and socio-economic issues. He travels, indulges in music and plays outdoor sports to get his creative juices flowing. “There’s the scarlet thread of murder running through the colorless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.”- Quote this, and you will be his favorite person for at least as long as the two of you can hold up the conversation.