World Contact Day 2024; The mystery of UFOs and extra-terrestrials!

World Contact Day 2024; The mystery of UFOs and extra-terrestrials!

Humans have come a long way in terms of establishing contact. With technological advancements, people can connect with others no matter what, irrespective of miles. However, some things still make humans think and consider whether there is life outside of planet Earth. Mysterious stories about UFO sightings and aliens make people more curious to find out about the existence of such species.

World Contact Day was a way of life in the 1950s when a group tried to establish contact with life outside Earth.

History of “World Contact Day”

Throughout human history, there have been recurring occurrences and assumptions regarding the sighting of unidentified flying objects. But, only after World War II did the topic of UFOs pique public interest. In 1947, A man found a strange-looking flying object on his property about 100 miles north of the Roswell Army Air Field.

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This led to the rise of several theories regarding the existence of life on other planets. By 1952, the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB) was created by Albert K. Bender and ufologists. Soon, “World Contact Day” was established in 1953, and the day was dedicated to people who believed in aliens to try and communicate with them via telepathy.

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All the members of IFSB focused and transmitted a message – “Calling occupants of interplanetary craft”- through telepathy. However, there has been no response to the telepathic message to date!

How to Celebrate World Contact Day?

Host an alien-themed party. Invite your friends over and dress up in your favorite alien avatar. You can also curate a list of songs that resonate with the theme and dance along to it!

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You can watch films based on aliens and UFOs.

If you are genuinely interested in extra-terrestrials, you can visit a nearby library and dig out some old records and dissertation papers on aliens and UFOs.

This “World Contact Day,” you can try to communicate with the aliens. All you need is to stay focused and convey your message via telepathy. Who knows? Maybe you can get a reply and make history!

About Daita Dasgupta 238 Articles
Daita Dasgupta is a graduate student pursuing a Master's degree in Media Science. She has over three years of experience working as a content writer for various platforms. Daita has a flair for writing engaging and creative content that resonates with audiences. Currently, she is interning as a content writer at Panasiabiz, where she is applying her writing skills and experience. When she's not writing, Daita enjoys reading fiction, listening to music, and spending time with family and friends. She believes content writing allows her to be creative while also sharing valuable information with others. Daita is constantly working to improve her craft and produce the most insightful and impactful content possible.