The beverages corporation outlet which is being operated in Ottappalam town has been robbed on the night of July 30, 2016, and as per police officials, more than Rs 60,000 in cash and liquor worth 5,000 have been stolen.
The burglars managed to enter the godown after breaking the walls of ventilation holes.
60,000 gone, 9 lakh safe
According to R R Rabbeesh, the Sub Inspector of Police, Ottappalam Station who is investigating this case, the thieves have stolen the bunch of 100 and 10 Rs notes which were kept above the counter table. Just below the counter, more than 9 lakh Rs were stored, but the burglars failed to find this.
Scientific Investigation going on
Pattambi Circle Inspector along with fingerprint experts have also reached the spot, and have collected valuable evidence which may fetch crucial tips for the investigation. Police made use of the service of a sniffer dog from the reserve camp, but nothing was found suspicious.
Both the Godown and outlet of beverages corporation are working in the same building. Ottappalam beverages outlet is known for selling the record number of bottles during festival seasons, and in most of the times, it stands next to Chalakkudy, Vadakkencherry, and Kochin in terms of sales.
Police have already started the investigation, and they believe that culprits will be under arrest soon.
Employees who opened the shop on Sunday morning were the first to see the theft spot. Soon, they informed the Police, and as per latest updates, investigative officers have recorded statements from them.