Telugu film actor Allu Arjun has been arrested in connection with a tragic stampede that occurred during the premiere of his blockbuster film, Pushpa 2, on December 4. The incident resulted in the death of a 39-year-old woman and left her son critically injured.
Reportedly, Arjun was taken into custody on December 13 by a team from Chikkadpally police station, where the case was registered.
While there are mixed reports about whether he was formally arrested or just assisting with the investigation the situation is still developing.
Police Investigation and Charges
The police have filed charges against Allu Arjun, the management of Sandhya Theatre, and his security team.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Central Zone, Hyderabad Police, Akshansh Yadav, stated, “A case has been filed under BNS section 105 (punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and 118(1) r/w 3(5) (voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt) at Chikkadpally police station based on the complaint of the family members of the deceased person.
“It is being investigated. Stringent action as per law will be taken against all the persons responsible for the chaotic situation inside the theatre leading to the death of a person and injury to others.”
Lack of Security Arrangements
Authorities noted that they had not received any prior information about the actor’s presence at the event, which contributed to the lack of adequate security arrangements.
The chaotic situation inside the theatre led to the tragic outcome, with the stampede causing panic among the attendees.
Big breaking: Hero Allu Arjun is arrested by chikkadpally Police against case registered on stampede at Sandya theatre | TV9Gujarati#AlluArjun #AlluArjunArrestedNews #sandhyatheatre #sandhyatheatrestampedecase #tv9gujarati
— Tv9 Gujarati (@tv9gujarati) December 13, 2024
Arrest and Legal Proceedings
Arjun was taken into custody on December 13 by a team from Chikkadpally police station, where the case was registered.
The investigation is ongoing, and the police are determined to ensure accountability for the tragic events that unfolded during the premiere.
#Breaking | Superstar Allu Arjun arrested. @Akshita_N with more details.#news @nabilajamal_ #AlluArjun
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) December 13, 2024
AA Fans and netizens have shown strong support for him, arguing that blaming him for the incident is unfair.
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