The Telangana High Court granted interim bail for four weeks to actor Allu Arjun, who sought the quashing of an FIR related to a stampede outside a cinema hall in Hyderabad. The incident occurred during an unscheduled visit by the actor, resulting in the death of a woman.
Court’s Decision
Justice Juvvadi Sridevi, while dictating the order, stated, “I’m inclined to give interim bail, for a limited period, following the Arnab Goswami case. Bonds to be given to the Jail superintendent since arrest is made.”
Arguments Presented
During the hearing, the bench expressed its inclination to grant interim bail, remarking, “It’s actually bothering me. Just because he is an actor, can he be held like this? There are no ingredients…On this earth, he has the right to life and liberty. It can’t be taken away by virtue of being an actor.”
🚨BIG BREAKING 🚨#AndhraPradesh Deputy CM @PawanKalyan is leaving from Vijayawada on a special flight to Hyderabad in a short while.#AlluArjun #AlluArjunArrest
— బెజవాడ కుర్రోడు (@AyanPawanist_) December 13, 2024
Senior counsel S Niranjan Reddy, representing Allu Arjun, argued that to make out a case for culpable homicide, there needs to be an intention. He cited a previous incident involving actor Shahrukh Khan, where the court held that the actor was not criminally liable for a stampede that occurred during a promotional event.
“When you read the FIR is does say that AlluArjun knew some death was going to happen?Even the instructions given by the SHO doesn’t say that there was a chance of a death to occur. Highest case there can be is of ‘death by negligence’. Here the bench may note, is ‘somebody doing a rash or negligent act’?,” Reddy said.
Deputy CM @PawanKalyan backs #AlluArjun!
— Satya (@YoursSatya) December 13, 2024
“Actor was coming, everybody knew, the Police knew. Here the actor was not even proactively doing anything whereas in SRK’s case, the actor threw balls, crowds jumped to grab them,” Reddy said.
He further argued charge under Section 118 (voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means) BNS not made out. “It mandates use of dangerous weapons. On the face of it, it’s not applicable”.
He thereafter said, “Even if S. 106 BNS (causing death by negligence) applies, what is the maximum punishment? 5 years? Arnesh Kumar case comes in. Arrest cannot be made like this (without notice). Sometimes tragic incidents happen. There are umpteen cases, where politicians hold rallies and accidents may happen.Now I’m coming to the next step. Now I am asking for interim bail”.
Reddy thereafter pointed to the judgment passed in the arrest of journalist Arnab Goswami and said, “In Arnab’s case, court was approached after the arrest was made. I had approached the court prior to the arrest. SC says when there is no prima facie case, the court can grant interim bail”.
Public Prosecutor’s Stand
The public prosecutor argued that the actor is not entitled to any relief, stating that seven people had already been arrested. He sought time to file a response.
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