Uninor provides Facebook and WhatsApp for 1 Rupee per day

Indian Telecolm company Uninor is offering the cheapest access to popular social networking sites Facebook and WhatsApp in Indian. The Norwegian company Telenor’s Indian unit is aiming to double its revenue and data users in 2014.

Uninor is offering both Facebook and WhatsApp at fixed prices, instead of typical charges by data usage through megabytes. An hour of unlimited Facebook usage through app will cost 50 paise while a day’s usage will cost Re 1 for a Uninor customer. WhatsApp is going to cost Re 1 for a day and Rs 5 for an entire week. As per Uninor, this will lower a user’s spending on both the apps by about 50-60%.

Uninor’s new CEO, Morten Karlsen Sorby said in a statement that Uninor’s approach is to make the Internet usage the cheapest among all operators.

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About 24% of the 28 million subscribers of Uninor are data users. These data users are spread across six circles of UP (East), UP (West), Bihar (including Jharkhand), Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. The data offer is launched by the company in Gujarat on Monday. It will soon be launched in Maharashtra and Goa also as these circles have the highest internet consumption for Uninor over the past year. Subsequently Uninor will launch the offer in the remaining circles also.