TV9 Kannada Live: Prajwal Revanna’s Brother Suraj Arrested For Sexually Assaulting Man

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Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S) leader Suraj Revanna has been arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a male party worker. The incident allegedly occurred at a farmhouse in Karnataka’s Hassan district on June 16.

The 27-year-old party worker filed a complaint against Suraj Revanna, accusing him of the assault. However, Revanna has vehemently denied the allegations, claiming that the complainant fabricated the charges after he refused to pay him a staggering sum of ₹ 5 crore.

Adding further complexity to the case, Suraj Revanna’s friend, Shivkumar, lodged a police complaint. Shivkumar revealed that the JD(S) worker had initially sought his assistance in finding a job. Shivkumar provided him with Suraj Revanna’s contact details.

However, when the job opportunity did not materialize, the worker allegedly resorted to blackmail, threatening to file a sexual abuse case against both Shivkumar and Suraj, reported NDTV.

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This arrest follows closely on the heels of former JD(S) MP Prajwal Revanna being remanded to judicial custody. Prajwal, the 33-year-old grandson of JD(S) patriarch and former Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda, failed to secure re-election in the recent polls from the Hassan parliamentary constituency.

The sexual abuse cases came to light when pen-drives containing explicit videos purportedly involving Prajwal Revanna were circulated in Hassan ahead of the Lok Sabha polls on April 26. In response, JD(S) suspended Prajwal from the party, while the BJP distanced itself from the Revanna family and the ongoing investigation.

Additionally, a police case has been filed against Suraj Revanna’s father, HD Revanna, for allegedly kidnapping a woman who claimed to have been raped by both men. HD Revanna, a former MLA and Public Works Department Minister, was granted bail in the kidnapping case on May 14, followed by the sexual assault case.

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As the legal proceedings unfold, the political landscape in Karnataka remains tense, with both parties distancing themselves from the controversy surrounding the Revanna family.

About Angelo Castelda 104 Articles
Angelo Castelda works as a feature writer in Asia. In his free days, he likes to read books and magazines about the latest architectural news and trends. This ultimately made him fall in love with architecture and now spends most of his time writing about it.

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