Through the latest headlines, Trisha Kar Madhu rekindles fan excitement. Social media users have paid attention to this Bhojpuri actress who brings energy to everything she does while sharing her dance video recently. She surprised fans with a hot black and white bodycon dress while dancing to “Piyawa Sute Bahariya” in Bhojpuri. The video which she posted the day before stunned her audience base because it quickly captured everyone’s attention.
Trisha Kar Madhu regulates the Bhojpuri film industry as one of its most beloved actresses while maintaining a considerable social media fanbase extending throughout all regions. In 2021 she found herself in the middle of a controversial MMS leak that troubled many people. A private video that revealed the actress in a compromising sexual position appeared online. The intimate video disclosed by her fans and public viewers caused unpredictable responses throughout the audience.
According to English Jagran the video leak scandal did not affect Trisha Kar Madhu as her only victim in the Bhojpuri film industry. Both popular public figures Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur also experienced public disputes after private video leaks. The media refers to these two women as the Kulhad Pizza couple. The video appeared on ‘trishakarmadhuofficial,’ the actress’s Instagram page. The video received over 39k views before its first day ended.
Hundreds of users commented on her video offering praise through heart-shaped and kissing platform emojis. Fans previously witnessed delightful dance moves from this actress. Trisha uploaded an Instagram video showing her performing “Bhatar Likhke Status Laga Di Ka” by Ankush Raja and Shilpi Raj while wearing a stunning purple sequined net saree. Her captivating dance performance together with her fashionable persona redoubled the interest of her social media viewers.
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