According to a report dated Sept 8, 2013, around 10,000 condom vending machines which were installed at public places in India by the National Aids Control Organisation (NACO) for HIV and AIDS prevention are missing.
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) tabled a report in the Indian parliament on Friday and said that in the 1st phase of the Condom Vending Machines (CVM) scheme, a total of 11,025 machines were installed. Out of them, 9,860 machines are missing and only 1,130 machines were traceable but they are not functioning.
The scheme from the Indian government was aimed at “improving the accessibility of condoms in high-risk areas”.
The CAG mentioned in the report, “As the CVMs installed under the phase I were not insured against theft and damage, thus no recovery/claim could be made in respect of stolen machines,”
As the CVMs installed under the phase I were not insured against theft and damage, thus no recovery/claim could be made in respect of stolen machines,” the CAG report said.
According to the CAG report, the machines were installed in public places in two phases. Condom manufacturing company Hindustan Latex was given the contract of installing machines in Sept. 2005 for phase I and July 2008 for phase II.
“The sale of condoms through CVMs was very low in comparison to projects of NACO. The intended objective of improving the accessibility of condoms in high risk areas through CVMs was not achieved despite investment of Rs. 21.54 crore under the scheme.”
Looks like the Indian population is set to rise after so many CVM’s lost. Only time will tell if the Indian population will rise or fall.