The Waiting Game: Factors That Influence the Duration of Personal Injury Cases

The Waiting Game: Factors That Influence the Duration of Personal Injury Cases

Getting into a personal injury incident can be an awful and very traumatic experience. In such situations, you will want to move past this point of your life as quickly as you can.

Unfortunately, these types of situations are usually resolved in court or at least with legal help. Some cases may need only a couple of weeks to be resolved, while others might drag out for years. That’s why it is so important to get proper legal help as the personal injury attorney Woodland Hills. But, more on that later.

So, which factors influence the duration of a personal injury? Well, in this article, we will cover everything to give you an idea of how long this process will take and what you can do to potentially speed it up.

The gravity of the injury

One of the factors that will most definitely affect the length of your personal injury case is the severity of the injury.

So, if you have a milder injury that can is fully recoverable in only a couple of days or weeks, then the case should not drag out for too long.

However, if you have faced a serious injury that will take months to recover, the case will most definitely prolong.

Why? Well, you can’t file a complaint and asks for compensation when you still aren’t certain what you are suffering from. If you are suffering from a brain injury, spinal trauma, or worse, there may be permanent consequences. It may affect your way of life, you will miss days at work, and so on and so forth. 

And naturally, for all of these problems, you will need to be compensated.


Another huge factor in any personal injury case is the evidence.

Every case is different in its own way, which is why both parties will need to gather their evidence in front of the judge to prove who was liable for the injury.

If there is a lack of evidence on both sides then proving you are in the right will be much more difficult, hence a longer trial.

How well evidence can be gathered is heavily affected by the quality of your legal team as personal injury attorney Woodland Hills suggests.

Your willingness to see through the case

Believe it or not, you have a huge influence on just how long the personal injury case will last. If you simply don’t have the time or patience to deal with these legal problems for months or even years, you can decide on a much smaller settlement and end the case early.

However, any experienced lawyer, like the personal injury attorney Woodland Hills will advise you to take things to the end to get properly compensated. It might seem like it is taking too long, but in the end, it might be worth it, so try to be patient!


There are definitely other factors that will affect the length of the personal injury case, like the competence of the lawyers in both parties, the judge, etc. But, generally, these are the main factors that affect the length.

About Camelia Bhattacharyya 279 Articles
Camelia is an intern for PanAsiaBiz studying at the Amity University, Kolkata [B. Tech (biotechnology)]. She is fond of writing on Science, Health, and Biotechnology topics.

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