JABALPUR -The opening of the new academic session often increases the worries of parents because of the hefty admission fees charged by the so-called premium private schools of Jabalpur.
It defies logic why entry fees are to be paid every year when the student is studying at the same institution.
The private school management is a cunning lot devising new and clever strategies to mint money every year. One such strategy is to change the school uniforms every second year.
The dresses are available in only one shop, and it is not difficult to fathom the real reason for this arrangement. The school gets a hefty commission from the makers of these uniforms.
The same strategy is employed when books are changed every year. It ensures that old textbooks are not bought by juniors from their senior students.
How they mint money:
Books are also available at a particular shop, and again a huge commission is paid to the school by the publishers and the shopkeepers.
Keeping in view the above practices, the district administration has now decided to step in and stop this blatant commercialization of education.
Action from the Government:
The state Education Minister Vijay Shah has directed the District Education Officers to ensure that the curriculum books are available at as many shops as possible.
The DEO has also stated that school uniforms will not be changed for five years, and the uniforms must be available in more than one shop. The DEO is also looking into complaints of unfair hikes in tuition fees and fees collected under fictitious heads.
Many private schools often escape action by the state authorities citing their affiliation with the CBSE or other central boards.
However, the situation will not be the same this year as the state DEO, and his team has obtained powers to inspect and examine schools affiliated with the central education boards