Fortnite is among the games that receive new content, and a whole event called Fortnitemare, where players can experience all kinds of spooky-themed activities. Among the new quests, you are assigned to eliminate Jack-o’-Lanterns with a ranged weapon, and here is how to do it in Fortnite.
How to Destroy Jack-o’-Lanterns With a Ranged Weapon in Fortnite
Since the start of the Fortnitemare event, Epic Games has added much new content to Fortnite. From new quests to new cosmetic items. Most of these quests and items are time-related, meaning you must complete them or acquire them before Halloween ends.
This week Epic Games added a new quest as part of the Fortnitemare event where players have to destroy five jack-o’-lanterns with a Ranged Weapon in Fortnite. This is among the most accessible searches you can complete.
To complete this quest, you need two things. The first task is relatively easy, which is to find a Ranged Weapon. You should be able to find Ranged Weapon on the ground loot and chests, which shouldn’t take much time. It doesn’t matter what type of Ranged Weapon it is.
Then comes the next part of the quest, finding five jack-o’-lanterns to destroy. This part is not difficult but a little time-consuming. Since the whole map of Fortnite is furnished with Halloween-themed things, finding these scary pumpkins shouldn’t be that hard.
Nonetheless, you will surely find some jack-o’-lanterns in Tilted Towers, Shiny Sound, Greasy Grove, and Chrome Crossroads. The pumpkins are usually located outside the entrance doors.
You don’t need to destroy five jack-o’-lanterns in a single match. Also, it is worth mentioning that the pumpkins you destroyed will be restored after each match, and destroying them also counts. This would make this quest much easier if you play many matches.
The reward for completing this quest is a unique spray that you can use. Like every other Fortnitemare quest, this reward and quest will be unavailable once the event ends.
Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.