7 Facts About VPN That You Probably Didn’t Know

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As you may already have noticed, VPN for browser and mobile apps are literally everywhere. Users rely on them for many reasons. Usually, they aspire to access restricted web pages, protect personal data, secure the Internet connection, and so on.

Despite the huge popularity of Virtual Private Networks, there may be unexpected and unusual VPN info you didn’t know about VPN. Let’s come closer to this technology and reveal 7 interesting VPN facts.

Fact #1. Don’t worry about data leaks while using VPN

Don’t believe if someone tries to assure you that VeePN or another widespread software shares your personal data with third parties. In most cases, client logs stand for the company’s development. This information may be used for improving Virtual Private Network services. Well, in certain countries the government may request a VPN company to provide public authorities with such data but this isn’t a widespread practice.

Fact #2. The use of VPN is prohibited in 30 countries

Yes, that’s right. There are 30 countries among 196 which decided to restrict citizens from using VPN for browser or mobile devices. Public authorities ban Virtual Private Networks to have full control over the Internet. Among such countries are North Korea, Syria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, and many others. As you can see, such rules exist mostly in non-democratic countries nowadays.

Fact #3. Apple TV may be available without limits with a VPN

Many users prefer using a VPN for Apple TV. This is an awesome way to enjoy extended and secure streaming at your place. You will access the best video content with extended options no matter your current physical location. Besides, if you are interested in VPN for apps not only for Apple TV, you should also try this software. There is nothing hard: just check this and take advantage of all the features of this Virtual Private Network.

Fact #4. You can get more speedy Internet thanks to VPN

This is fun but a real fact. In general, users face a slower connection speed while using a different Virtual Private Network. But if you prefer a decent platform, for instance, VeePN, you may notice better results than without it. That’s because this service is strongly encrypted and doesn’t let your provider split your traffic into high and low-speed tunnels.

Fact #5. VPN lets you cut costs on flights and hotels

Booking services change their prices for hotels and flights depending on the physical location of users. By using a VPN free trial, you may change your location and receive better offers. To make this trick work, you must make sure that browser cookies are cleared and managed in the private regime.

Fact #6. You can access any blocked content

Literally, that’s why Virtual Private Network exists. Most customers use it to change their location and access any content or website they desire. For instance, if an online store is available only in the USA you can open it even somewhere in Europe. Just change your location to the USA and browse the exact web pages.

Fact #7. During using a VPN you may still be hacked

One of the VPN free trial features is to protect your personal data so may not expect to have such a fact here. Well, be sure that hacking your data is almost impossible while using a Virtual Private Network. But such a possibility exists. What is more important is using a VPN guarantees you much higher protection than having no VPN at all.

Anyway, Virtual Private Networks are very useful for people. By knowing these VPN tricks and facts you will definitely take more benefits from this technology!

About Elijah Lucas 200 Articles
Elijah has done a Master in Computer Science. Elijah is a passionate blogger, technology lover, plays chess, is innovative, likes to express their views via the blog, and is a music lover. Elijah has been blogging since 2011 and has contributed several excellent articles to the internet.