5 planets alignment live: When and how to watch in your country

India to witness a stunning lineup of 5 planets

If you are a fan of astronomy, you are in for a treat this month. Five planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – will align in the sky and form a rare spectacle known as a planet parade. This phenomenon occurs when several planets appear in a line at roughly the same time. Here is everything you need to know about this celestial event.

When is the planet parade?

The planet parade will occur from March 28 to April 4, 2023. The best time to see it will be around 45 minutes before sunrise, when the sky is still dark enough to spot the planets.

The exact time will vary depending on your location, so you can use an online tool like timeanddate.com to find out the optimal viewing time for your area.

Where to look for the planets?

The planets will appear in the eastern horizon, close to where the sun rises. You will need a clear and unobstructed view of the sky to see them. You can use a pair of binoculars or a telescope to get a better view, but you can also see them with your naked eye.

The order of the planets from left to right will be Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Mercury will be the hardest to spot, as it will be very close to the horizon and dimmer than the others. Venus will be the brightest and easiest to see, followed by Jupiter and Saturn. Mars will be the faintest and farthest from the others.

In India, the expected sunset time on Tuesday, March 28, is 6:36 PM IST. So, make your preparations accordingly. Planets will be best visible between 6:36 PM and 7:15 PM IST.

NOTE that Mercury and Jupiter will quickly dive into the horizon and disappear within 30 minutes of sunset. In India, both planets will disappear by 7:06 PM IST.

Will the planets be visible to the naked eye?

Yes. Three planets will appear bright enough to get spotted by your naked eye. Venus, Mars and Jupiter will put up a great show. Mercury and Uranus aren’t fond of humans, it seems. You might need binoculars to spot them.

When will planets appear in the sky in India?
The five planets will appear on Tuesday, March 28.

What time is the best to see the planets in the sky in India?
Look towards the west right after sunset. In India, the planets will be best visible between 6:36 PM and 7:15 PM IST.

Why is this event rare?

A planet parade is a rare event because it requires all five planets to be on the same side of the sun simultaneously. This happens only once every few years, and the last time it occurred was in July 2020. The next time it will happen will be in June 2028. The alignment of the planets is not perfect, as they are not exactly on a straight line. However, they are close enough to create a stunning sight in the sky.

What can we learn from this event?

Apart from being a beautiful spectacle, a planet parade can teach us about the solar system and its dynamics. By observing the positions and movements of the planets, we can learn about their orbits, speeds and distances from each other and from the sun. We can also compare how they look in different seasons and times of the year. A planet parade can also inspire us to explore more about our cosmic neighborhood and appreciate its diversity and beauty.

About James Oliver 188 Articles
I am a lover of all arts and therefore can dream myself in all places where the World takes me. I am an avid animal lover and firmly believes that Nature is the true sorcerer.

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