The cross-border romance between Sachin Meena and Seema Haider has gone viral on social media. With her husband Sachin, the Pakistani mother, who traveled to India from Nepal with her four children, has been in the news ever since. However, recent accusations ignited online controversy. Netizens are interested in a claimed MMS video of Seema Haider and her husband, Sachin.
According to the widely circulated rumor, the pair appears in a private online film. The MMS footage and social media rumors, which sparked conjecture regarding the video’s veracity and increased privacy concerns, also created a significant commotion.
There is no reliable evidence to back up the allegations that the couple engaged in obscene behavior, notwithstanding the assertions around the purported MMS film. Furthermore, there is no evidence of such a film on any reputable websites, which calls into question the veracity of the leak.
सूना है की सोशल मिडिया पर इनकी वीडियो वायरल हुई है।
Seema Haider & Sachin viral video #seemahaider #Sachin
— Bollywood Unfiltered 🎥 (@DesiDramaDose) January 11, 2025
Many social media users and commentators have branded the photo as fake news, highlighting the absence of official confirmation or verification from credible sources, even though it went viral and there were speculations around it. People have criticized the content’s dissemination due to its unconfirmed nature, emphasizing the damage that rumors like these can do to a person’s reputation and mental health.
Seema from Pakistan is pregnant!
She told Sachin, ‘You Are Again Papa!’You won’t stop laughing
at Sachin’s reaction! 😂— ADV. ASHUTOSH J. DUBEY 🇮🇳 (@AdvAshutoshBJP) December 22, 2024
Seema Haider, who was already a contentious figure because of her international romance with Sachin, has regrettably been the subject of unfounded rumors and fake news regularly, which has fueled the online controversy even more. Through the online game PUBG Mobile, Haider developed a relationship with Sachin Meena of Greater Noida. She is now expecting her fifth child, her first, with Sachin.
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