WHO Recommends Two New Covid Treatments, Baricitinib And Sotrovimab

Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

The world is groped by the surge of COVID infections and the cases count goes higher and higher by the day.
In these circumstances, World Health Organization has taken some advances to cope up with the spreading of infection.

On Friday, WHO approved two treatments for COVID 19 which could potentially help in the survival of critical patients infected with the virus.

Experts suggest that the recommended drug led to better survival rates

World Health Organization in British Medical Journal devised arthritis drug baricitinib with corticosteroids to be brought in use in case of a critically infected patient. Its use has shown better survival and reduced the need for ventilators for COVID patients.

Furthermore, guidelines have also been issued on its usage by the department.

Additionally, only three treatments have received approval from WHO for COVID infection. Corticosteroids have proved to fight inflammation that is commonly seen in severe cases, it is also widely available at low cost.

The WHO endorsed Arthritis drugs tocilizumab and sarilumab, in July, they are IL-6 inhibitors that are said to subdue the threatening overreaction of the immune system to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Baricitinib is also included in the IL-6 inhibitors and follows the same guidelines.
However, it comes under a different class of drugs known as Janus kinase inhibitors.

But the guidelines by the WHO instructs.
“When both are available, choose one based on issues including cost and clinician experience,”

At last, the WHO approved Synthetic antibody treatment Regeneron in September.

From approval of emergency use of vaccines to new treatments, WHO takes many measures amid a growing surge of cases

The contagious variant of COVID, Omicron has created a frenzy in the world with soaring numbers of reported infections.
A record-breaking number of 1.35 million cases have been reported in The United States of America and many more countries also see cases coming in millions each day.

Henceforth, WHO has taken measures in regard to the upsurge by approval of vaccines and treatments for COVID-19.

Thus, On December 17, 2021, WHO approved Covovax as the ninth Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use. It is produced by the Serum Institute of India under the licence of Novavax.
This approval aimed at increase of access to vaccination in lower-income countries, as WHO has previously stated to bring equity in the case of vaccines.

About Asra Mairaj 209 Articles
Asra Mairaj is currently an intern at Panasiabiz. She stands ready to take the first step into her college life and start working for her aspiring career to become a famous and profound journalist. Asra has been previously associated with Sapne NGO and Journey App as a content writer. She tends to bring that experience and overwhelming dedication to make the idea of a knowledge centre space a reality here.