Century Casinos to Acquire Rocky Gap Casino Resort

Coast airport, casino working together to bring more visitors to South Mississippi

Nasdaq Capital Market-listed casino entertainment company Century Casinos has announced it has entered into a “definitive agreement” for the acquisition of Rocky Gap Casino Resort’s operations.

The casino operations will be obtained from Lakes Maryland Development for an acquisition price of around $56 million with adjustments. The online casino company that manages multiple racetracks, award-winning casinos, hotels, horse betting parlors, showrooms, and golf courses among others has announced that the funding will be completed with cash from its balance sheet.

Century Casino’s co-chief executive officials Erwin Heitzmann and Peter Holtzinger called the new acquisition “an important milestone” in their “pursuit to acquire prime US assets.” Together with the pending Nugget Casino Resort acquisition in Nevada, the company expects to soon oversee a rich US portfolio that will spread from east to west.
Based in Flintstone, Maryland, and expanding across 270 acres in total, Rocky Gap hosts a 25,000-square-foot gaming room with 630 slot machines, close to 200 hotel rooms, 16 table games, and an 18-hole golf course that was designed by a retired pro golfer and golf course designer Jack Nicklaus.

The resort also hosts five restaurants, an events center spread across 5,000 square feet, a spa, several meeting spaces, and a few areas dedicated to additional outdoor activities.

In February, Century Casinos hired BetMakers technology to distribute its racing content.
After finishing her master’s in publishing and writing, Melanie began her career as an online editor for a large gaming blog and has now transitioned over to the iGaming industry. She helps to ensure that our news pieces are written to the highest standard possible under the guidance of senior management.


About Nitish shaw 244 Articles
An aspiring novelist and a random blogger, Nitish is also a porky-mouthed banter specialist when it comes to football (soccer), films, TV Series, History and socio-economic issues. He travels, indulges in music and plays outdoor sports to get his creative juices flowing. “There’s the scarlet thread of murder running through the colorless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.”- Quote this, and you will be his favorite person for at least as long as the two of you can hold up the conversation.

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