On May 4, 2023, a school bus-sized asteroid will zoom past Earth at a distance of about 270,000 miles, which is slightly more than the distance between our planet and the moon.
The asteroid, named 2023 HV5, is about 41 feet across and orbits the sun in a path larger than Earth’s. NASA’s lab has been tracking this near-Earth object and its speed, which is estimated at 5.53 miles per second.
This is not the only asteroid that will come close to Earth this week. Another one, the size of a house, will approach us on May 5, 2023, at a distance of about 397,000 miles.
These asteroids pose no threat to our planet, but they are interesting to observe and study. NASA has detected more than 31,000 near-Earth asteroids of various sizes and shapes, and expects to find more in the future. These asteroids and comets are remnants of the early solar system and can help us understand its formation and evolution.
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